1 year on!

This week marked a year since the death of my mum. I'm a different person than I was a year ago. I want different things. 2020 was a transformative year filled with anguish and emotional trauma. 

I've entered 2021 in an entirely different mindset. My mum's death literally changed who I am. I know the changes are for the better. Authenticity is the word that comes to mind when i think about who I am now and what I want. 

The changes started last year with culling superfluous family and friends from my social media friends/following lists. That has continued for the entire 12 months, I don't need connections in my life that don't contribute positively. 

I released an updated version of my Catharsis book (available on Amazon) with content relating to family discord and my father's death. In that I reveal a family secret that I've kept for 30 years. It wasn't done out of revenge, it was done to lift a weight from my shoulders. That secret is no longer mine. Keeping that secret was not helping my recovery from emotional trauma. 

The secret belongs to my brother in-law. It is his shame alone. I will not bear the weight of it any longer. 

Writing the book truly was cathartic. I would never have shared this secret and lifted the weight from my shoulders if I hadn't worked through the emotions surrounding it and the tendrils that secret wove around the interactions of my first family.

Family secrets aren't normal, keeping them is like a toxin to your sole. 

I move on knowing that my soul has finally been cleansed. 


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